Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Play On!" Update and Auditions

I know, it's been a few weeks since I blogged.  I'm still getting used to this.

"Play On!" had a large preview audience and an energetic opening night audience, then a couple of small houses the next two performance nights.  For a comedy, this is hard as the actors really do feed off the audience's energy.  Thankfully, we had a good crowd last Saturday night who laughed for twice their number.  The cast really needed that audience, and I am both grateful for them and proud for their performance.

PS, if you're in Houston, "Play On!" has three more weekends at Theatre Suburbia! You should go. Go to the website for details and call for reservations.

In the meantime, I had one round of auditions and I have two three more in the coming weeks.  The first was for "Don't Drink the Water" at Country Playhouse. I was a little worried for I heard that the director was going to move the setting to China -- and my 6'6" height would clearly put me out of the running for Крожак and Father Дровни.
Unless they made it a basketball game.
I did get a small part though, which is great! It's a foot in the door in a new theatre!  I'll be playing Mr. Burns - our read-through is tonight.  The other nice thing is that I think I won't be needed for every rehearsal.

Last week when I saw Proposals, an actor friend of mine suggested I should audition for CPH's upcoming Frankenstein. It's the next audition, though rehearsals won't start until September.  This is one where my stature finally plays an advantage, but the director is definitely looking for how I will act.  I'm going to need to really search for the truth within the Creature, to turn the phrase that Dr. Berger says, and prove I'm worthy of my theatre degree for that one! And I only have two weeks to prepare!
And remember, this is for posterity so be honest. How do you feel?

Just as DDTW goes into tech, I have two auditions I'm looking at on the same weekend.  The first is for the new Ohana Theatre Company, which sets itself apart from most other Houston troupes by being FOR profit.  As in actors hired as employees, 1099's and all. Then it's back to Suburbia for The Psychic. The director for this sent me the script last year, back when I was doing A Murder Is Announced and Murder at the Howard Johnson's.  I fell in love with the script, and I really think I can do a lot with the main character.  We'll see, though.

There's a fourth audition I'm aiming for - the summer mellerdrammer at Suburbia.  I wasn't thinking of this one either, until Suburbia's former villain (for ten years!) said that he recommended me for the part. Now, the director isn't the type to put too much stock in just a recommendation; it's still, "I have to earn the part", not "it's mine to lose."
Plus, I'll have to be evil and not nice.

But yow. Two recommendations by fellow actors this year! :)

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