Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are you who Google thinks you are?

So in reading my news feed from Business Insider today, I found out that Google allows you to see the demographics that it gathers about you based on your browsing and search habits. If you are already signed into your Google account (and if you're reading this off my Google+, you are), click this link to go straight to it.

There's also a video explanation of this works, and what it doesn't collect in order to discover this information. (Basically, the "Ads by Google" that you see on other websites registers the category for the website you're on.) The video also tells how to opt-out -- but the preferences and opt-out information is stored only on the local computer! So the presenter does warn you, if you clear your cookies, you will need to opt-out again.

Just because I haven't yet played with embedding videos, here it is.

Personally, I'm good with the interest-based ads, and it picks up the categories pretty well based on my work (IT Desktop support and Infosec interest) and play (games, role-playing games, acting).  They let you edit your preferences too. Which means I'm going to knock out that "Beauty & Fitness" and swap "Arts & Entertainment - Performing Arts - Opera" for "Arts & Entertainment - Performing Arts - Acting & Theatre".

And I guess I look young online as well as in real life:
This is totally going on my acting resume.

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