Hello everyone,
Here we are again: a first post in a new blog. You'd think for a person who likes to talk as much as I do, a blog would be a sure thing. And yet, I've had a few starts - and mostly stops. But, I'm game for another fresh start - and I want titles in my G+ stream posts - so here I am again.
(Scary, Blogger lets me have multiple blogs. Maybe /this/ is how I revive Midgarn's Dio-Stories: Tales of G.I. Joe...)
Ahem. Sorry, I tangented. I do that a lot. It has to do with who I am. Who am I? So glad you asked.
I am a devoted, non-custodial parent to a pair of wonderful kids who's remarkably on good terms with his former wife. For the better part of ten years, I was also a marginally-effective house-husband, with best marks in cooking and chauffeuring, worst marks in cleaning.
I am a pretty remarkable IT tech support detective, able to divine swift, accurate diagnoses to most solutions and sympathize with my user base on their issues. I don't code, but I can debug code as well.
I am a classically-trained actor with the good fortune to return to the community theatre stage from a several-year hiatus. During that hiatus, I channeled my theatre skills into the art of diorama comics and custom GI Joes.
I am the 'desktop support' guy of our local Information Security group, eager to learn and help out despite having only tangential experience (so far) with InfoSec.
I am a peace-time veteran. It's nothing really, compared to the men and women who served post-9/11.
I am a long-time roleplayer, from D&D to Champions to Rolemaster to IFGS to L5R to Rifts. From Bard's Tale to MUDs and MUSHes to Everquest to Star Wars Galaxies to DC Universe Online to Rift (no relation).
I am a former Legend of the Five Rings enthusiast stuck in the Shadowlands of Houston, who was a better Historian than a player. I still have a ton of cards, plus a history of L5R personalities in binders that really needs to find a new curator. (Who won't sell them for profit.)
I am an internet dino, though not of Surly Dino fame. I learned to write webpages on Notepad.
I am a social media dilettante who promotes both acting and infosec on Twitter, plays games and chats with high school-era friends on Facebook, advertises everywhere but private homes on Foursquare, keeps his library on Shelfari, collects stickers on GetGlue, and tests out other interesting sites.
I am a geek and a dork. I grew up on GI Joe, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, the Legion of Super-Heroes, TNG, Buckaroo Banzai, Mr. Rogers, the Muppets, Monty Python, Dr. Who, and Willy Wonka.
I am a Renaissance Man. I know a lot. I know a lot about a lot. I have a wealth of natural talent and a learning capacity steeper than some mountains. I am by no means an expert on anything.
I am all too aware of the other person's opinion. I care, I worry, I guilt. I do not believe in pushing my belief onto another.
I disbelieve most superstitions, but am stunned by how well I match up to the stereotypical Pisces and how often my biorhythms match how I feel.
I share too much. (No, really?)
Anyway, that's an idea of the many facets of me, any of which may appear in my online presence, this blog, or others.
Pretty cool description of yourself. Makes me want to go more in depth in the "About Me" portion of my Music blog :-)