Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who I Am

Hello everyone,

Here we are again: a first post in a new blog. You'd think for a person who likes to talk as much as I do, a blog would be a sure thing.  And yet, I've had a few starts - and mostly stops.  But, I'm game for another fresh start - and I want titles in my G+ stream posts - so here I am again.

(Scary, Blogger lets me have multiple blogs. Maybe /this/ is how I revive Midgarn's Dio-Stories: Tales of G.I. Joe...)

Ahem. Sorry, I tangented. I do that a lot.  It has to do with who I am. Who am I? So glad you asked.

I am a devoted, non-custodial parent to a pair of wonderful kids who's remarkably on good terms with his former wife. For the better part of ten years, I was also a marginally-effective house-husband, with best marks in cooking and chauffeuring, worst marks in cleaning.

I am a pretty remarkable IT tech support detective, able to divine swift, accurate diagnoses to most solutions and sympathize with my user base on their issues. I don't code, but I can debug code as well.

I am a classically-trained actor with the good fortune to return to the community theatre stage from a several-year hiatus.  During that hiatus, I channeled my theatre skills into the art of diorama comics and custom GI Joes.

I am the 'desktop support' guy of our local Information Security group, eager to learn and help out despite having only tangential experience (so far) with InfoSec.

I am a peace-time veteran. It's nothing really, compared to the men and women who served post-9/11.

I am a long-time roleplayer, from D&D to Champions to Rolemaster to IFGS to L5R to Rifts. From Bard's Tale to MUDs and MUSHes to Everquest to Star Wars Galaxies to DC Universe Online to Rift (no relation).

I am a former Legend of the Five Rings enthusiast stuck in the Shadowlands of Houston, who was a better Historian than a player. I still have a ton of cards, plus a history of L5R personalities in binders that really needs to find a new curator. (Who won't sell them for profit.)

I am an internet dino, though not of Surly Dino fame. I learned to write webpages on Notepad.

I am a social media dilettante who promotes both acting and infosec on Twitter, plays games and chats with high school-era friends on Facebook, advertises everywhere but private homes on Foursquare, keeps his library on Shelfari, collects stickers on GetGlue, and tests out other interesting sites.

I am a geek and a dork. I grew up on GI Joe, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, the Legion of Super-Heroes, TNG, Buckaroo Banzai, Mr. Rogers, the Muppets, Monty Python, Dr. Who, and Willy Wonka.

I am a Renaissance Man. I know a lot. I know a lot about a lot. I have a wealth of natural talent and a learning capacity steeper than some mountains.  I am by no means an expert on anything.

I am all too aware of the other person's opinion. I care, I worry, I guilt. I do not believe in pushing my belief onto another.

I disbelieve most superstitions, but am stunned by how well I match up to the stereotypical Pisces and how often my biorhythms match how I feel.

I share too much. (No, really?)

Anyway, that's an idea of the many facets of me, any of which may appear in my online presence, this blog, or others.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool description of yourself. Makes me want to go more in depth in the "About Me" portion of my Music blog :-)
